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The results of the initial evaluation at the beginning of the project, the intermediate evaluation and the final evaluation, can be checked on the corresponding page in eTwinning and in the three specific sections within this project website. We have taken advantage of the transnational meetings of partners during the short teacher training events to raise a series of items to observe and complete. The result of these analyzes has given us the degree of achievement of the objectives we set for ourselves:
- We have evaluated the improvement of communicative competence in a qualitative way, since we cannot contrast the academic results at the beginning and at the end of the project since they are different children since, having extended the duration of the project by one year, the children who started it They are no longer in schools. Through discussions using questions, we have observed that, in general, most students say they feel more comfortable using the English language after the mobilities, since they have used it in a real context and have understood its usefulness beyond passing a test. school subject. We observed that they learned to look for communicative strategies, looking for synonyms, asking for help from other classmates, using non-verbal language. In addition, it should be noted that, although the English language was our main objective, the curiosity of the students led them to want to know words and phrases in all the languages ​​of the participating schools.


- The improvement of digital competence has been evaluated through the use that students and teachers have made of new programs and applications such as BookCreator, padlet, genially, kahoot, stop motion, programming with Scratch, robotics with Lego, etc. We have verified that they have not only used digital media to play or search for information, which is the most common use, but also to learn, do work, share projects, acquire attitudes of safe use of the Internet, etc. Regarding the digital competence of the centers, at the end of the project we contrast the results obtained in the initial evaluation with the SELFIE tool and those obtained at the end, observing the improvement in terms of resources of the center and digital skills of teachers and students.
- The improvement of social skills and inclusion in multicultural environments has been evaluated with surveys that the students have carried out before and after each mobility with the SURVEY MONKEY tool. Through the items of these surveys we have verified that the participants have improved their knowledge of other countries, their history, traditions, culture and lifestyle, awakening a feeling of curiosity towards schools, teachers and classmates, which has led to an attitudinal change towards tolerance and respect for different cultures, and a sense of belonging to Europe, to a community that transcends the borders of its town, city and country.
Mobilities have also provided students with confidence, independence and responsibility.


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